crafts, Crochet, Eating Out, home, interior, knitting, lifestyle, Outfit

Better Late Than Never

I’ve wanted to write a blog post since Monday. Unfortunately, my web host had other ideas, accidentally suspending my account, even though I’d paid my invoice. Thankfully it’s all resolved now, and I can blog once again, yey. It’s not like I’m a prolific blogger, but it’s disappointing when I do actually want to write something, and the facility isn’t there. First world problems.

Ever since my last post, I had a very long period of all work, and not much rest or play to be fair. That’s not to say it was completely without event. One Friday night I invited two of little Misses friend’s around for a play date, and their Mum’s too (who I happen to be friends with). It was such a good night, while the children played Twister, Ghostbusters and Sharky snapper. We supped wine, played guitar (my friend, not me, I have one but can’t play it) and danced around the living room to 70s disco music. Which the children absolutely loved.

Pizza and beer with the chap

I think that was my weekend of socialising, because that Sunday I also caught up with the chap in Malton. Life is such at the moment that the gaps between us seeing each other seem to widen. We had a lovely time though, as always, visiting my favourite bookshop, Kemps, and enjoying a delicious pizza and beers at Pizza on the Square.

Last month, when the sales kicked in, I made a very big purchase. A new kitchen. I’ve lived in my house for 10 years, and for each one of them, I’ve hated my dated, tired looking kitchen. So, I decided it was about time that I got a new one. It was delivered last week, with boxes stacked up to the ceiling, and in my lean to, and chaos everywhere.

Thankfully I’d booked this week off work, and with the microwave, toaster and kettle decamped to the living room. We’re all living campervan style in one room while the kitchen fitter drills and bangs in the kitchen. It’s chaos, but I keep telling myself it’s short term pain for long term gain. I can see it coming together now, and it’s going to look beautiful. I can’t wait to share photos. Although, I’ve just checked my phone and can’t seem to find any before pictures.

First new unit in place

Whilst I’ve been off work with little else to do though, I’ve filled my time productively. As I mentioned in my last post I’m learning crochet, so I carried that on this week, making a beautiful snood for little miss, which she absolutely loves. Very timely given it looks like the cold weather has returned.

At the same time, my Mum has been learning to knit, and finished a snood for Thelma last night. How adorable is this? She absolutely loves it, and gets excited whenever it gets picked up.

I’ve also been reading Minimal: How to Simplify Your Life and Live Sustainably It’s a book I bought some time ago, and read once but really didn’t take it in. While I have no intention (and never have done) of being minimalist, I have started to think more about my consumption patterns of late. My constant quest for more, more, more. For example, the amount of time I will waste looking at handbags on Vinted, when I have 32 bags in my wardrobes already. Why I keep buying clothes but only wear the same 4 – 5 outfits on rotation, and things like that.

So, while it’s not inspired me to declutter everywhere (although a lot of that did happen while we were clearing the kitchen out), or to ditch all my makeup, it has definitely made me question some of my habits. I decided to try to get more use from all of my clothes. I thought if I took outfit photos everyday, it would inspire some more creativity. I managed that all of 2 days, and then life got in the way.

Ready for my Sunday date with the chap: – Boots – BHS (Via charity shop), Dress – Gift, Bag – River Island (Christmas gift from the chap), Gilet – years old so I can’t remember

Perhaps that’s something I’d like to try to do a bit more of though. That’s not to say I’m not going to add to my wardrobe. I’ve said that before, and it never happens, but the purchases (or makes) need to be more thoughtful. I’ve never managed to define my style, and I really admire people who have nailed it. I realised why I’ve not been successful in that before though, and it’s because I don’t fit in a pre-defined ‘box’. I like bohemian clothes, I like goth clothes, sometimes I just like jeans and a T-shirt, I defy definition. What I am able to be clear on though are colours that I like, materials I like, shapes I like. So, I spent some time the other evening writing those lists, and now I have a far better idea of what’s ‘me’. I can use these to inform my makes and buys in future, and hopefully end up with less things in my wardrobe going unloved.

Boots – DM’s (old), Skirt – Toast, Shirt – ?, Belt – Charity shop

Anyway, that ended up being a bit more of a ramble than I intended. I’ll be filling the rest of my week with more reading, more crafting and more walks with Thelma. I just hope I can climb back into my desk by Monday.

Linking up with The Grey Brunette

5 thoughts on “Better Late Than Never

  1. How frustrating that your web host accidentally suspended your account! Glad it was sorted!
    Love Little Miss’s crochet snood and the one your Mum knitted for Thelma! She definitely looks pleased with herself wearing it!
    Great idea to make daily outfit photos and writing those lists will definitely give you a good idea of what is you and what isn’t.
    Can’t wait to see the finished kitchen! xxx

  2. I wondered where your blog had vanished to!
    Fabulous outfits. Taking daily photos is hard, I don’t do it either, often it’s too dark or wet by the time i think about t. Loving the checked misi dress and your classy country look. Thelma looks adorable in her snood!
    Your kitchen is going to look amazing, I bet you can’t wait! xxx

  3. Your kitchen looks lovely! How exciting for you!
    I totally get where you’re coming from in terms of breaking the cycle of more, more, more. I have for a long time tried to shop sustainably/responsibly. The vast majority of my wardrobe is second hand or from a sustainable brand. That said, it’s still easy to fall into the trap of thinking that second hand gives you a free pass to keep accumulating. I’m trying to be more mindful of what I buy too. I can also relate to your comments about style. I love lots of different styles and my mood tends to dictate what I wear. As you say, one day boho and floaty, another day a sprinkling of punk and then another day, I’ll feel like wearing something tailored and minimalist. It’s all good fun though and your outfits are fabulous! xx
    P.S. Congrats on the successful snood!

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